
Next Generation Advice

Next Generation Advice provides consultancy services supporting humanitarian interventions and development cooperation. Services include:

reviews and evaluations

organizational capacity assessment and applied capacity building programmes

training and facilitation

applied research, evidence tracking and documentation of results   

So who are we? We comprise a group of experienced consultants with a synergetic mixture of experiences and professional attainments. Next Generation Advice comprises the following partners: Annemette Danielsen, Dorthe Skovgaard Mortensen, Martin Østergaard, Nanna Jordt Jørgensen og Signe Camilla Grosmann.

Next Generation Advice represents an expertise centered around the sectors of education, protection and social inclusion. 

Education – reviews and evaluations, trainings and research and documentation. See more

Protection and social inclusion - reviews and evaluations, trainings and research and documentation. See more

Enterprise development and employment - project preparation and appraisals,  empowerment of women, youth and vulnerable groups, design of tailor-made vocational and skills training, and adaptation to relevant  employment models. See more


Consultancy assignments need not only be for lengthy pieces of work. We are also happy to offer instant support (just for a few days, undertaking a variety of small tasks) – i.e. do summaries of reports, write up small pieces for the  webpage, arrange a seminar or within a few hours finding you a local consultant with the right profile. In this way, you can outsource work overloads to the same expenses as for your permanent staff.

Next Generation Advice – the imperative of values

We are passionate professionals  with values and viewpoints and we don’t mind flagging them. As consultants, we most often work with the most vulnerable communities and we insist on the rights to development for every human. 

“Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”

- Nelson Mandela


Contact information  e-mail: info@ngadvice.org   phone: +45 27 11 80 05   +45 23 92 13 40

Photocredit © Jørn Stjerneklar // Mayday Press